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        • Patent and trademark attorneys of ARS-Patent in ranking WIPR Leaders 2022. Vladimir Rybakov, Elena Solovyova, Mikhail Khmara, Anna Bogdanova, Natalia Belozerova and Kirill Osipov are among the top IP leaders in Russia.
        • WIPR Leaders 2022
        • ARS-Patent’s trademark practices are recognized in ranking WTR 1000 2022: Silver band for prosecution and strategy and Bronze band for enforcement and litigation. Anna Bogdanova, Elena Solovyova and Tatiana Tarasova are recommended trademark specialists. Kirill Osipov is listed among top professionals in enforcement and litigation area.
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        • IAM Patent 1000 2021: ARS-Patent is named the Highly recommended Russian IP firm for patent prosecution matters and also is listed among the top IP firms in the category litigation and transactions. Mikhail Khmara, Ilyana Lipatova, Kirill Osipov and Vladimir Rybakov are named the world’s leading patent practitioners.
        • IAM Patent 1000
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        • ARS-Patent’s practices have been distinguished in the 2021 edition of the MIP IP STARS ranking: – patent prosecution (Tier 2); – patent contentious (Tier 3); – trade mark prosecution (Tier 2).Vladimir Rybakov was named a Patent star 2021.Elena Solovyova was named a Trademark star 2021.
        • IP STARS
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        • Nine professionals of ARS-Patent are recognized among the top legal advisors in the Intellectual Property area in Russia according to the 2022 edition of The Best Lawyers. The newly included Best Lawyers are Natalia Belozerova, Kirill Osipov and Pavel Vorobev.
        • Best Lawyers
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        • ARS-Patent is proud to be included in the WIPR Leaders 2021 ranking. Along with Vladimir Rybakov and Elena Solovyova who have been listed as IP leaders for years, Kirill Osipov (Patent Leader), Anna Bogdanova (Trademark Leader) and Natalia Belozerova (Trademark Leader) are recognised as WIPR Leaders for the first time this year.
        • WIPR Leaders 2021
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        • ARS-Patent is pleased to be included in the list of top Russian IP professionals: Excellent category in trademark and patent prosecution, patent litigation areas and also Recommended category in trademark litigation.
        • Leaders League
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  • We have put together this page which contains some frequently asked questions about Industrial Designs. We hope that you find this helpful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


    Industrial Designs find out more

    An Industrial Design is a solution of an outward appearance of an industrial or handmade object. It must possess an indication of creative character, which is not only stipulated by its functionality.

    Types of Industrial Designs that can be protected find out more

    All types of objects except for:

    • functional objects
    • architectural, industrial, hydrotechnical, etc. objects;
    • unstable objects like liquids, gases etc.

    Design registration applicants find out more

    Different people can apply for an Industrial Design, these include:
    • authors;
    • assignors, by means of assignment;
    • legal successors;
    • employers, by means of labor contract

    More than one person / entity can be co-applicants for the same application

    Multiple applications find out more

    There are several types of multiple applications (an application, which contains more than one design):

    Design variations: when designs are unified by a common creative idea, which is generally characterized by the same essential features. In other words, the designs should differ from each other unessentially. Each variation enjoys independent patent protection. Example "Teapot (3 variants)";
    Set of designs: when a group of designs are used together. Each design is protected as a dependent part, which constitute a complete set. Example "Set of sofa and two armchairs";
    Whole and part(s): when the whole object and its independent part(s) need to be protected separately. In such an instance, each of the objects is provided with independent protection. Example "Teapot with basement (whole object), lid for teapot (independent part), basement (independent part)

    Partial designs and using dotted lines find out more

    Partial designs claiming protection for parts of an object are accepted. The application for partial designs is identical to the application for entire industrial designs. Solid lines designate claimed parts, whereas disclaimed non-protected elements are dotted. Any form of dashed lines is accepted.

    Claiming earlier priority find out more

    Earlier priority can be claimed from:

    An early filed Russian application, provided that it has not been rejected nor registered by the date of filing;
    An early filed application within the jurisdiction of the Paris convention, i.e. "conventional priority". The application must be filed within six months following the date of the first filing. It is obligatory that the included set of drawings completely coincide with that, which was filed in the first application.

    Multiple priorities find out more

    Multiple priorities based on more than one conventional application are accepted. It is applicable for multiple applications with design variations and whole and part(s) (for particulars on multiple applications, see question 4).

    Filing requirements for an industrial design application find out more

    To apply for design application the following is requested:

    Applicant(s) names and addresses
    Author(s) names and addresses
    Set of photos / drawings / reproductions disclosing all the essential features of the design
    A detailed description and a set of essential features, which are disclosed in the photos/ drawings/ reproductions
    A certified copy of priority application, if applicable

    Examination procedure find out more

    The substantial examination, which directly follows the formal examination, lasts up to twelve months. Design applications are examined on their novelty as well as the basic filing requirements.

    Reasons for design application refusals find out more

    Design applications can be rejected in the formal and substantial examination stage. During the course of formal examination, the application is checked for the correctness of the formal papers and particulars, as well as the completeness of the filing payment. If anything in the application is not in order, there applicant receives an official communication, which requests the submission of additional documents. If the applicant fails to submit the missing documents by the due date prescribed in the official communication, the application may be rejected.

    In the course of substantial examination, the application passes through a novelty and originality search. The application can be rejected on either of the said grounds.

    An industrial design is found patentable if the essential features reflect the photos/ drawings/ reproductions and the set of essential features are not found in publically accessible open sources by the application's priority date. Novelty of the design is a requirement.

    An industrial design is found novel and patentable, if the creative character of the essential features is confirmed, particularly, in the following manner:

    - If, all of the essential features are distinctive from earlier known solutions;
    - If said solutions exist, but combination of essential features provides the industrial design with an overall peculiarity, which is not inherent in any of the known solutions.

    Length of registration process find out more

    On an average, if the application is flawless the procedure from filing to granting lasts from the ten to twelve months. The issue of any office action extends the procedure for about four months.

    Length of validity of design registration find out more

    The registration of an industrial design is valid for twenty-five years, which is calculated from the filing date.

    Maintenance fees for design registrations find out more

    From the third year of the design's validity, officials request annual maintenance fees. After fifteen years of validity, a request for the renewal of the next term is applied for along with the annuity payment.

    Recording an assignment/licence for an industrial design find out more

    Rights for a pending application can be re-assigned. An assignment deed can be recorded through a request, which must be filed by the date of the design's registration. If the term for recording an assignment deed has not been observed, an assignment agreement can be requested counter to the already registered design.

    A license agreement is applicable only for a registered design and cannot be recorded for pending applications.

    Recording your assignment/licence with the Russian Patent Office find out more

    It is obligatory for the assignment/license agreement to be recorded with the Russian Patent Office; otherwise, the assignment/license agreement has no validity for third parties.

    Recording a merger agreement for a design application/registration find out more

    Yes, a registration of merger agreements is allowable in the Russian Federation. It is sufficient to submit one notarized copy of the agreement, even it relates to more than one patent.

    Availability of deferred publication find out more

    The deferment of an industrial design's publication is not available in the Russian Federation. The publication of an industrial design follows immediately after the registration of the design. Particulars of the pending application are not published until the design's registration.

    How can we help you?

    Talk to us to discuss how ARS-Patent can help you with your Intellectual Property requirements please call us on +7 812 207 4907 for St Petersburg or +7 495 223 27 19 for Moscow, or click on the enquiry form link below.

    Contact us online


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